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Chigger mite crawling on a leaf - Keep chigger mites out of your home with Live Oak Pest Control, Inc. in McAlpin, FL

Chigger Mite

Actual Size: Larvae 1/150”; Adults 1/60”

Characteristics: Range from an orange-red to reddish-brown. Oval-shaped and covered with long surface hairs.

Legs: Juveniles have 6 legs; adults have 8 legs.

Antennae: No

Wings: No

Habitat: Commonly found in a variety of outdoor habitats, primarily in grassy and wooded areas.


  • Have a complex life cycle that includes egg, larval, nymph, and adult stages.
  • Only the larval phase of these mites inflicts harm on people and animals.
  • Feed on a variety of hosts, including mammals, birds, reptiles, and amphibians. 
  • Insert digestive enzymes into the skin and feed on the decomposed tissue.

Chigger Mites in McAlpin

During the summer months, chiggers or redbugs infest both people and animals, provoking severe itching and irritation. Predominantly, in the United States, they inhabit the southeast, south, and midwest regions. Their peak activity spans from early spring to early autumn, ceasing with the onset of the first frost. Contrary to common belief, chigger larvae, responsible for all the harm, do not tunnel into the skin. Instead, they affix themselves to the skin’s surface or around the edge of a hair follicle.

Chigger Mite Habitat

Chiggers have a preference for damp, grassy, and wooded regions, particularly along forest perimeters. They can also be spotted near bodies of water such as lakes and streams, as well as on residential lawns. During winter, adult chiggers remain underground, emerging to lay eggs during the initial warm days of spring. Following this, the adult chiggers perish, allowing the hatched eggs to develop into chiggers that move about until encountering humans or other hosts.

Chigger Mite Behaviors, Threats, or Dangers

Chigger larvae, the parasitic stage responsible for feeding on hosts, attach themselves to the skin’s surface or near hair follicles, where they inject digestive enzymes that cause intense itching and irritation. Chiggers predominantly attack the ankles or under the knees, but some may venture upwards to target the crotch and armpits. Although chigger bites do not transmit diseases, excessive scratching may lead to secondary infections. Prompt removal of chigger-infested clothing and thorough bathing after outdoor activities can minimize exposure to these irritating pests.

If you are dealing with chigger mites, it’s important to always enlist the help of a professional tick & mite control expert.