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Spanish Moss Treatment in North Central Florida

Serving McAlpin, Lake City, Live Oak, Perry

Tree with spanish moss growing from banches - Keep pests away from your home with Live Oak Pest Control in McAlpin FL

To many a longtime Floridian, Spanish moss (also called Florida moss, long moss, or graybeard) is part of the Florida scenery. While the good news is that it does not directly harm the tree, too much Spanish moss can cause issues like weighing down branches or blocking sunlight. This can eventually damage or even kill the tree. Fortunately, Live Oak Pest Control offers Spanish moss treatment that’s hassle-free and highly effective.

If you are in North Central Florida and need Spanish tree moss removal, we can help. Call Live Oak Pest Control today and schedule your service. We offer free estimates over the phone.

What Is Spanish Moss and What Causes It?

Spanish moss is a flowering plant belonging to the pineapple family. Yes, you read that right. Spanish moss sprouts from seeds with a feathery “parachute” – it floats through the air until lodging on a tree trunk or suitable seed bed.

Spanish Moss – Fun Facts to Know

  • It has been reported in every Florida county and is common in many
  • It loves humidity
  • It can be found as far north as southern Virginia and as far east as eastern Texas
  • Ball moss (Tillandisia recurvata) is sometimes confused with Spanish moss. They’re not the same. Ball moss is a small tufted, soft, greenish-gray plant. Often the two species are found growing in the same tree.
  • Spanish moss is an epiphyte, which means it produces its own food and does not receive food from its host.
  • It’s covered in scales to trap water and nutrients needed to survive and prosper.

What Does Spanish Moss Look Like?

Here are some photos of Spanish moss and ways to identify Spanish moss outside:

  • Leaves are grayish-green, up to 2” long, with numerous branches, and covered with silvery-gray scales.
  • It’s generally seen draped and hanging over the branches of trees.  It is most commonly found on oak and cypress trees but can be found on other tree species as well. Live oaks especially seem well-suited for harboring this plant and most Florida live oaks of any size have some Spanish moss. 
  • Healthy moss is also often seen growing on dead trees, fences, and power lines.
  • Flowers are tiny blooms of pale greenish-blue that may give a light fragrance at night. 
  • Spanish moss flowers form seeds that are very small and usually dispersed by the wind.
  • Spanish moss is often found near swamps, rivers, and other water sources.
  • Insects such as red bugs and small reptiles are attracted to tangled strands of Spanish moss for habitat material and shelter.

Does Spanish Moss Damage Trees?

Spanish moss does not directly damage trees, but if there’s too much of it, the strain of carrying it can start to wear on a tree. Here are some ways that Spanish moss can damage trees:

  • Weak tree limbs become heavily overloaded with moss and break off. 
  • Too much moss can also smother foliage on small branches. 
  • An abundance of Spanish moss on a tree can prevent the tree from performing its natural photosynthesis due to shading the tree so heavily with moss. 
  • Spanish moss causes the most trouble in economic crop trees such as pecans and citrus by the lack of fruit and nut production when the moss grows too thick on the tree. 
  • Its ability to hold moisture increases the tree’s exposure to ice and frost damage although it also gives itself a chance to survive and remain dormant during dry spells until moisture returns.

Schedule Your Spanish Moss Treatment Today

Whatever your reason for wanting to remove Spanish moss, whether you want to encourage tree growth or you simply don’t like how it looks, Live Oak Pest Control is here to help. We have a highly effective process that will remove all of the moss without harming the tree.

Got questions about Spanish moss treatment or ready to schedule your service? Call us today. We offer free estimates over the phone.

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Spanish Moss Treatment in North Central Florida Serving McAlpin, FL

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