Watch for Subterranean Termites This Winter

Subterranean TermitesFloridians are experiencing one of the coldest winters in years – In many parts of North Central Florida we have been freezing and thawing out daily – a pests’ paradise!

Are you a believer that termites are only hot-weather pests? Don’t let your guard down during winter months, there is a class of termites known to swarm and reproduce in homes through May; Eastern Subterranean Termites. It is going to be important to be on the lookout for Subterranean termites and prevent them from damaging your home or business. This winter weather has cause for even more concern as termites thrive in wet conditions.

Soil-to-wood contact is the most common entry point for Subterranean termites with plenty of moisture, an adequate food supply, and suitable protection. Excess moisture puddled around lumber structures/materials also can lead to a termite infestation. Subterranean termites are by far the most destructive and widespread termite species in America. As their name implies they are underground social dwellers that can live in colonies in the several millions. Here are some tips from our Live Oak Pest Control Termite Pest Specialists to help keep your home and business termite free:

Termite Prevention Tips:

  • Repair roof & plumbing leaks.
    The moisture from leaks allows Subterranean Termites to survive above ground.
  • Gutter drainage.
    Ensure gutters drain properly and direct moisture away from structure’s foundation.
  • Eliminate all wood-to-soil contact.
    Includes around foundation, keeping firewood, lumber, dead trees at least 20 feet away from home.
  • Keep mulch & soil away from homes siding.
    It’s best to have a barrier of a few inches. Live shrubbery that butts-up against it can also attract termites, so keep shrubs trimmed and make sure limbs aren’t touching exterior walls.
  • Weather Seal.
    All exterior wooden surfaces such as window and door frames, fence posts, patios, walls, slides and more.
  • Install bug screens.
    On attic vents, windows, doors, foundation vents, etc. Replace weather stripping and mortar as needed.
  • Maintain adequate ventilation in crawl spaces.
    And remove items like scrap lumber, boxes, books, newspapers from your crawlspace as termites feed on cellulose.

Get an annual termite inspection by Live Oak Pest Control.
Wood-boring insects are not covered in most homeowners’ insurance policies.

Call Live Oak Pest Control, Inc. today for more information on our pest control services and to schedule an appointment: 386-362-3887.

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