Subterranean Termites & The Problems They Cause

Subterranean Termites & The Problems They Cause

Termites are not your standard, run of the mill pests. You won’t see these pests crawling across your floors or on your counters. Subterranean termites are highly proficient at staying out of sight and avoiding human detection. They build their colony is moist, underground areas that protects them from extreme temperatures while allowing their colony to grow.

Subterranean Termite Swarmers (Alates)

As each colony matures, it sends out reproductive termites, alates known as swarmers, to begin nearby colonies. Swarms only occur when the colony reaches a certain size and weather conditions are optimal for flight. You can often see termite swarms after it rains. When all conditions have been met, alates from nearby colonies launch into the air and begin to pair off. Once paired, the couples shed their wings, mate, and find a new place to begin a colony. Launches generally occur over a span of a few days; with the largest launch the first day and smaller ones the following days.

Subterranean Termite Behaviors & Habits

They prefer their wood to be softened by water damage, rot or decay which is why it’s rare to see a living tree infested with termites. You’re more likely to find termites in a fallen tree or dead stump. Termite problems generally begin when they find structural wood around homes that are damaged and establish a nest nearby.

The Damage Termites Can Cause

Termites eat away at wood, hollowing it out while making tunnels – this weakens the structural integrity of your home. A fully mature colony of subterranean termites can eat a 2×4 of wood in just under 6 months. While this doesn’t sound like a lot, it can take several years before a homeowner realizes termites are present. By this time, serious damage has been caused.

Ways to Deter Subterranean Termites

Living in Florida, the question is not “…., it’s when will I get termites?”

To deter termites, you must make your home as uninviting to them as possible. Here are some tips our Termite Specialists recommend you do around your property:

  • Fix leaky pipes, spigots, faucets, and fixtures
  • Clean/remove leaf piles, cardboard, and other wood-based materials from your yard
  • Remove stumps, fallen trees and other sticks/debris from your yard
  • Store untreated lumber and firewood at least 30’ (feet) away from your home
  • Make sure your gutters are clean and flowing properly
  • Avoid using pine mulch and pine bark, budding up to your home’s exterior
  • Seal gaps and cracks in the exterior foundation

The Only Way to Treat Subterranean Termites

Without the advanced tracking equipment and firm understanding of termite behavior, subterranean termites can be extremely difficult to identify. When you trust upon a Live Oak Pest Control Termite Pest Specialist, you’ll receive courteous and professional service and termite treatments that will effectively track, eliminate, and prevent these wood-destroying pests.

Call your Termite Specialist today to discuss how annual termite inspections and treatment works and schedule a date to have your home treated (386) 362-3887.

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